Thursday 25 March 2010

A preliminary look ahead to the World Cup

Summer can't come soon enough, both for the obvious footballing reasons and for the slender hope that the weather may, just may, not be the meteorological equivalent of standing in a queue at the bank to deposit what little money you have spare to pay for the most menial of bills. Metaphor exhausted.

Anyway, the upcoming weeks will be filled with opinionated so and so's giving their views on what's to come. I believe that the idiotic, bloke-ish ideas of Chris Kamara et al really need to be offset by some genuinely insightful and/or intelligent comments. Preferably without bias (I can say with all honesty that I don't wish for England to lose. They don't need my ill wishes to knock themselves out of a tournament).

I'll give some analysis of what teams are up on form, who's being overrated by the mass pundits, and perhaps some tactical stuff; who matches up against who well. I do play some football myself, and as a keeper my comments will probably centre around criticising defences.

More to come when I am inclined to write it. First up I think will be a look at the hopefuls of the African stage. It's certainly one of the more colourful, varied and interesting areas, and in general I'll try to focus on some less well-known data and players.


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