Thursday 17 February 2011

American Idiots

The United States has always had a way of thinking that baffles the rest of us. Most of them seem to believe that the less they know about the rest of the world the better, and the more ridiculous their beliefs and actions the better. 'American Exceptionalism' is what they call this 'philosophy' (see dogma/idiotic, arrogant rambling).

Denying climate change, espousing intervention in any and all global situations in spite of professing to neither know nor care about anyone un-American, being unable to point to Iraq on a map in spite of the fact their own children were stationed there (sadly a true story. More of the people asked managed to believe Australia was Iraq than Iraq itself. The map had place names on it), believing their country to somehow be the best democracy and society in the history of anything while forgetting that they racially segregated black people for almost all of their history and only after much procrastinating gave them equal rights in 1964 (America's Civil Rights record is a travesty that everyone conveniently forgets. Even in the sacred Constitution, a black man is precisely defined as "worth three fifths of a white"). These are all some of my favourite bugbears about America. Hell, a majority of Americans believe that "if Jesus were alive today, he would be an American"!

So that is the context for this. Only in the USA could something as insignificant as fantasy baseball be taken this seriously.

The man who wrote this article is employed by ESPN just to write about fantasy sports games. And he isn't alone; there are 8 of them for crying out loud!


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