Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Pathetic Celtic Disgrace Us. Again.

I could have written the headline to this piece weeks before either of the two games were even played. To anyone clued up on Scottish football, the end result of the two Champions League Qualifiers between Celtic and Sporting Braga really was that predictable.

Lo and behold, a shockingly poor performance in Portugal led to a 3-0 win for Braga. We then had to hear all the pathetic drivel about 'Fortress Parkhead' and Celtic's 'intimidation factor', as if having to put up with slightly louder abuse than usual was going to seriously derail a team that comfortably picked a disjointed Bhoy's side to pieces without breaking sweat.

And by this stage, after all that bluster and bullshit, it was simply inevitable that Braga were going to come into Parkhead and open the scoring. Surprise surprise eh?

I am sick and tired of being the laughing stock of everyone in Western Europe when it comes to football. The Old Firm, with their monopoly on European football and its attached revenue, are finding more and more ways to balls everything up, each more embarassing than the last.

And, save the national team (who are still the punchline to many a crap football joke in England and beyond), the Old Firm are the only exposure others have to Scottish football. I for one am sick and tired of the Glasgow 'Giants' making the rest of us look like fools.

This years domestic title race is between a pauper squatting in his soon-to-be-reposessed stadium and a leper clinging to his patchwork cloak made of obscure, mediocre Korean and Dutch defenders. Who will keel over and die first and who will be the lucky one left to drag their pathetic body over the finishing line, claiming the glory of being the best of an awful pair?

One thing is certain. A couple of months later, after the celebrations have ended and both sides have drunk themselves into a stupor of sectarian violence, nightclub bans and prison time they will be in European qualifying action once again. And as another team from the Continent, bolt gun in hand, prepares to do the inevitable deed, they still expect us to care about these worn-out nags?

Frankly my dear, I don't gve a fuck. Sorry for the language kids.


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